Phone: (310) 823-7802 Fax: (310) 823-7602
Notices & Forms
Forms are in Adobe PDF format. Click HERE if you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader
Forms (applicable to current mailbox customers)
  Mailbox Rental Forms(PDF)
Required to begin receiving mail

Forwarding Activity Ledger (PDF)
Dated record of customer forwarding transactions.

Customer Service Cancellation (PDF)

Required to cancel mail receiving services, a forwarding address is necessary. Must be filled out and signed by customer.

Package Manifest (PDF)
In-house dated record of incoming customer packages; customer must sign this form before oversized items are released.
  Oversized Package

Shipping and Packing Regulations

Mailbox Rent Due

Late Rent

Agency Service Cancellation

Cancellation (address protocol)
Continued violation of "PMB" or "#" addressing requirement.

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